‘Moon Graffiti’ (ST/Audio)


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Kimo Ani and Pararachnids with the Sixth Doctor and Peri

This story called ‘Moon Graffiti’ is by Dave Stone. It features the Sixth Doctor and Peri. Originally, ‘Moon Graffiti’ was released as an audio story in the audio anthology called ‘Out of the Darkness’ in 1998. It’s now available in ‘Tales From The TARDIS: Volume One’, which I’ve purchased via Audible.

The story was adapted into prose for ‘More Short Trips’ in 1999. The fact that ‘Moon Graffiti’ was originally an audio story is clearly evident, as the audiobook reading doesn’t match to the text in the prose version of the story. ‘Moon Graffiti’, as an audiobook, is read by Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant.

It was fascinating to hear ‘Moon Graffiti’ read by Colin and Nicola, as they’d take it in turns to read the story. There are also sections where it’s a full-cast drama between Colin and Nicola whilst they’re playing the Sixth Doctor and Peri. Nicola also voices the Wibliwee, who are kept inside a talisman. 😐

In this story, the Doctor and Peri visit Earth in the far future and they come across Kimo Ani, a human boy living on Earth after it’s been ravaged by the Pararachnids. The Pararachnids happen to be space-borne swarming organisms that can sweep across an entire planet, leaving it uninhabitable.

I must admit, I found ‘Moon Graffiti’ hard-going as a ‘Doctor Who’ story, especially when reading the text version in ‘More Short Trips’. The audiobook version is slightly better, thanks to the interchange of Colin and Nicola’s narration, but even then, I found myself getting lost in certain parts of the story.

The story’s ending in the audiobook version is different in the prose version. Where in audio, it ends with the Sixth Doctor and Peri in the TARDIS, the prose version ends with an epilogue featuring Captain XiiXwiiB of the Wibliwee. Wouldn’t it have been better to conclude the story with Kimo Ani?

‘Moon Graffiti’ rating – 6/10

The previous story

For the Sixth Doctor was

  • ‘SynthespiansTM’ (Book)

For Peri was

  • ‘SynthespiansTM’ (Book)
The next story

For the Sixth Doctor is

  • ‘Burning Heat’ (Book)

For Peri is

  • ‘Burning Heat’ (Book)
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