10 thoughts on “SPOILER FREE Reaction to ’73 Yards’ (Doctor Who)

  1. Wolfie

    I really enjoyed it.

    I’m not sure how the main mechanism of the story worked (yet).

    But, I really enjoyed it.

    I’m going to hold off on locking in my final thoughts on 73 Yards until the end of the season. I have a feeling that we might get an explanation for it later in the piece.

    As it stands now, it almost feels like the Doctor Who equivalent of Garfield Minus Garfield. Doctor Minus Doctor. What would a story like Image of the Fendahl look like without the Doctor providing a rational explanation for it? Probably like this, actually.

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    1. scifimike70

      That’s certainly what made several spinoffs for the Whoniverse from the Wilderness Years to Big Finish so popular. The Doctor for all his wisdom can be an excellent guide. But the chance to work things out for ourselves is a challenge we must often face and the Doctor can respect that to a reasonable extent.

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      1. Wolfie

        Well, that’s the grand appeal of ol’ Sixie. For a great many years, all his adventures were there, but it was up to the audience to piece them altogether in the right order. The end result was a stunning piece of complex character development that spans decades.

        73 Yards has been a nice return of that feeling. A reminder that:

        a) It’s the Doctor and their companion together that define the tone of the programme. Separated, we get something quite different, and;

        b) It’s liberating to actively engage with a story that asks you to step into that liminal space and provide answers yourself.

        Exploring that essence of horror. Fear of something that is yet to be (or cannot be) understood. Stories like The Stone Tape have come from that impulse, so it’ll be in good company.

        I think this could be one of the most diversely-interpreted stories for Doctor Who out there, because everyone will have a different way of bridging that gap. Stepping into the role of the Doctor.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Tim Bradley Post author

        Hello both,

        I’ve just discovered that the reason why Ncuti Gatwa isn’t in ’73 Yards’ much is because he had to film ‘Sex Education’ at the same time. There is an echo of ‘Turn Left’ about this episode, especially when Ruby has to cope without the Doctor and figure things out for herself before ‘reuniting’ with him at the end. Again, I can’t fault Millie Gibson’s acting as she’s easily likeable and enjoyable to watch on-screen.

        Best wishes,

        Tim 🙂

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    2. Tim Bradley Post author

      Hi Wolfie, Hi scifimike,

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on ’73 Yards’. I’ve read a ‘Radio Times’ article that explains what the ending of the episode was supposed to be about. I’m not sharing any in-depth opinions at this point until I get to do proper in-depth reviews on the episodes on Series 14 once it’s available on DVD and Blu-ray. I will be sharing my general thoughts on Series 14 shortly after the season is over. Incidentally, I’ve booked tickets to see ‘The Legacy of Ruby Sunday’/’Empire of Death’ at the cinema in June. Looking forward to it.

      Interesting observation, Wolfie, about this ‘Doctor Who’ episode being the equivalent of ‘Garfield Minus Garfield’. I’ve not come across that comic book before and it’s interesting to briefly learn how that was put together.

      Many thanks,

      Tim 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Timelord 007

    Sorry to sound like a broken record but this series has failed to gain my interest I found the last two episodes to had potential but were ruined by bad writing.

    This for me is the worst season of Doctor Who the shows lost its magic & I don’t think the last 4 episodes will change my opinion.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. scifimike70

      The lifelong Whovians who remember the best of the old days will certainly have their interests challenged. I freely admit to being no exception. I can still enjoy Jodie and Ncuti as new Doctors but some overwhelmingly new story elements might be too much, while other elements can still fascinate me enough.

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      1. Wolfie

        I do think that episode order is an important part of the viewing experience.

        There’s nothing quite like coming off the end of Earthshock and getting hit with Time-Flight. One short scene, a little sobbing, and then business as usual. Contrast that with how unnerved and upset everyone is in Snakedance only two stories later. Sometimes the broadcast order doesn’t do the viewer any favours.

        There’s only really been one dud for me this season, personally. I didn’t get on with Space Babies. Largely because:

        a) It’s not for me, it’s for someone who’s never seen the programme before, and;

        b) Davies already did it really well in Wild Blue Yonder.

        For the rest… Well, Boom feels important to set early. 73 Yards fits very snugly after it. The Devil’s Chord–

        Hmm. The Devil’s Chord was solid, but maybe a bit too early in the season?

        It was a very loud story, certainly. Playing around with the diegetic expectations of the programme. What’s real and what’s not. At a time where, as viewers, we’re still trying to determine what the rules for this Doctor and companion are. It’s sort of an inherently disorientating tale.

        Space Babies is kind of stuck where it is. As a primer for new viewers. I wonder, though… If The Devil’s Chord was placed closer to the season’s end, would that initial jolt have not felt as drastic?

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Tim Bradley Post author

        Hi Wolfie,

        Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Series 14 so far. Again, I’m going to share my thoughts on the season until the end after I’ve shared my spoiler free reaction on ‘Empire of Death’ (the second part of the two-part finale).

        Looking to this weekend’s episode, I’ve seen the previews for ‘Dot and Bubble’ on YouTube. Whilst I’m looking forward to checking out the episode this weekend, I’m getting the feeling it’ll be another Doctor-lite episode like ’73 Yards’ is. I hope I’m wrong about that, though I’ve come across opinions that give the impression that Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor isn’t at the forefront of the TV series so far. Hopefully that won’t be the case when we get to ‘Rogue’ and of course ‘The Legend of Ruby Sunday’/’Empire of Death’.

        Best wishes,

        Tim 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Tim Bradley Post author

      Hi Simon; Hi scifimike,

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Again, I’m holding back on sharing any in-depth thoughts about ’73 Yards’ and the rest of Series 14 until the season is available on DVD and Blu-ray and I’ve had a chance to find time to do in-depth reviews on the episodes.

      I’m currently enjoying doing these spoiler free reactions and I’m looking forward to checking out the rest of the season, including the two-part finale ‘The Legend of Ruby Sunday’/’Empire of Death’, which I’m looking forward to seeing at the cinema in June. I’m hoping ‘Rogue’ will be a good period episode and I’m looking forward to seeing Ruby in her Regency outfit. 😀

      Best wishes,

      Tim 🙂

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