Power Month (Day 11) – ‘No Clowning Around’ (MMPR)

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’s blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

In today’s ‘Power Month’ instalment, it’s time for a ‘Power Rangers’ episode where we meet Trini’s cousin Sylvia and a bunch of evil clowns, that happen to be Putties and one of Rita Repulsa’s latest monsters. Today’s ‘Mighty Morphin’ episode is called ‘No Clowning Around’, where the five ‘Power Rangers’ teens and Trini’s cousin hope to enjoy a grand day out at a funfair at Angel Grove Park. If only that went according to plan. 😀

Watch the episode ‘No Clowning Around’ via the Power Rangers Official YouTube channel and check out my review by clicking on the link for it afterwards.


Bye for now!

Tim 🙂

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