Daily Archives: December 27, 2023

Book/Audio Review – ‘Combat Magicks’ (Doctor Who)

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

There aren’t any Big Finish audios featuring the Thirteenth Doctor yet. Hopefully that will happen soon. In the meantime, let’s close off our look into the Jodie Whittaker/Thirteenth Doctor era of ‘Doctor Who’ by checking out the ‘New Series Adventures’ book called ‘Combat Magicks’ by Steve Cole. This is the third in a trilogy of ‘Doctor Who’ books featuring the Thirteenth Doctor, Graham, Ryan and Yaz. Continue reading

‘Doctor Who’ 60th Anniversary Marathon – Reflection on the Thirteenth Doctor

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

In 2018, I was determined to not be one of the people who would immediately dismiss the Jodie Whittaker/Chris Chibnall era of ‘Doctor Who’. I wanted to give this unique era of the new TV series a fair chance. I’m glad I did, as I’ve thoroughly enjoyed checking out Jodie Whittaker’s era of the TV show. Continue reading