Power Month (Day 29) – ‘The Green Candle’ (MMPR)

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’s blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

It’s time for another two-part ‘Power Rangers’ story in ‘Power Month’ where we see the life of Tommy as the Green Ranger put at risk. In this two-parter, Rita Repulsa attempts to steal the Green Ranger’s powers via the use of a power-draining candle, made from magic wax. Tommy’s friends do everything they can to save Tommy as well as stop Rita and her minions draining the Green Ranger’s powers. But things escalate when the Rangers must deal with Rita’s latest monster called Cyclops, who can disguise himself as anything, include the Rangers’ Zords. Will our heroes win the day?

Check out the two-part story ‘The Green Candle’ via the Power Rangers Official YouTube channel in the specifically-created playlist by me. Also check out my review on the two-part story by clicking on the link for it afterwards.


Bye for now!

Tim 🙂

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