Sally’s Timeline


Here is ‘Sally’s Timeline’.

I’ve referred to


to help me put this version of the timeline together.

I’ve included all the audios into this list for now.

The (Audio) stories are highlighted in PURPLE.

The stories with links to reviews by me on my blog are highlighted in BOLD and PURPLE.

Regarding the (Audio) stories, I’ve identified each of them as follows in the KEY below.

**BFAD – Big Finish Audio Drama
**BFAB – Big Finish Audio Book

Please feel free to ask questions about this timeline, as I intend to revisit this and add new stories to the list as time goes on.

I’ve divided the timeline into 4 phases
1. Sally meets the Seventh Doctor
2. Sally with the Seventh Doctor and Lysandra
3. Sally with the Seventh Doctor, Lysandra, Ace and Hex
4. Sally after the Doctor

1. Sally meets the Seventh Doctor

2. Sally with the Seventh Doctor and Lysandra

3. Sally with the Seventh Doctor, Lysandra, Ace and Hex

4. Sally after the Doctor

  • Afterlife (Audio) – BFAD**
  • Signs and Wonders (Audio) – BFAD**
  • The Last Day (Audio)  BFAD**

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