New Pages – ‘Doctor Who by Tim Bradley’ & ‘The First Doctor by Tim Bradley’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

I’m sharing a couple of brand-new pages on ‘Bradley’s Basement’ today. There’s the ‘Doctor Who by Tim Bradley’ page, which contains indexes with links to sub-pages of ‘Doctor Who’ fan-fiction stories by me. This includes The Doctors pages from the First Doctor to the Thirteenth Doctor, and the Collection pages including the Short Trips by Tim Bradley collection and the ‘Zorbius’ series.

There’s also the first of The Doctors pages shared by me today, which is ‘The First Doctor by Tim Bradley’ page. This contains links to fan-fiction stories by me featuring the First Doctor, as played by William Hartnell in the classic TV series. So far, the stories by me featuring the First Doctor include ‘The Zondor Robbers’ (Z) and ‘The Prime Factor’. I’ve yet to share ‘The Thirteen+ Doctors’, which will feature the First Doctor, joined by his companions Susan Foreman (played by Carole Ann Ford), Ian Chesterton (played by William Russell) and Barbara Wright (played by Jacqueline Hill).

Please feel free to check out the ‘Doctor Who by Tim Bradley’ and ‘The First Doctor by Tim Bradley’ pages today by clicking on the links for them.


Stay tuned for news about my page on ‘The Second Doctor by Tim Bradley’ tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!

Tim 🙂

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