Audio Reviews – ‘The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Volume Two’ (Doctor Who)

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

To close off our look into the Matt Smith/Eleventh Doctor era of ‘Doctor Who’, it’s time to venture into ‘The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Volume Two’ by Big Finish, starring Jacob Dudman as the Eleventh Doctor. Back in 2019, I reviewed the first ‘Eleventh Doctor Chronicles’ box set on CD. Today, I’m sharing my reviews on the second ‘Eleventh Doctor Chronicles’ box set, which I’ve recently listened to as a download from the Big Finish website.

There are four stories in ‘The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Volume Two’ by Big Finish. These include ‘The Evolving Dead’ by Doris V Sutherland, ‘The Day Before They Came’ by Michael Blythe, ‘The Melting Pot’ by Christopher Cooper and ‘A Tragical History’ by Tessa North. All four audio adventures are directed by Nicholas Briggs. Will I find the second volume of ‘Eleventh Doctor Chronicles’ by Big Finish as good as the first volume? Will Jacob Dudman continue to impress as the Eleventh Doctor?

Please feel free to check out, read and comment on my reviews for ‘The Evolving Dead’, ‘The Day Before They Came’, ‘The Melting Pot’ and ‘A Tragical History’ by clicking on the links for them. You can purchase ‘The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Volume Two’ either from, or the Big Finish website.

Enjoy! 🙂

Bye for now!

Tim 🙂

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