Daily Archives: October 27, 2023

‘Doctor Who’ 60th Anniversary Marathon – ‘Mummy on the Orient Express’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

It’s time to check out the first of two ‘Doctor Who’ episodes in Series 8 of the new TV series by Jamie Mathieson. This is ‘Mummy on the Orient Express’ (one of my favourite episodes in Series 8), where Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor takes Jenna Coleman as Clara on a trip to visit the Orient Express…in outer space! Wow!!! 😀 But murders are occurring aboard the Orient Express, since a mummy called the Foretold, played by Jamie Hill, appears to its victims before it kills them. This ‘Doctor Who’ episode features special guest stars like Frank Skinner (who appeared in ‘The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot’ by Peter Davison) as chief engineer Perkins on board the Orient Express. There’s David Bamber as Captain Quell, Christopher Villiers as Professor Moorhouse and the late John Sessions (who I’ve heard in ‘Castle of Fear’ and ‘100’) is the voice of Gus. 😐 Janet Henfrey (who was in ‘The Curse of Fenric’) appears briefly as Mrs. Pitt at the episode’s beginning. There’s a singer aboard the Orient Express that’s played by real-life singer Foxes. And there’s another cameo of Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink in the episode. ‘Mummy on the Orient Express’ can be checked out on DVD, Blu-ray and BBC iPlayer. Continue reading