‘Doctor Who’ 60th Anniversary Marathon – Series 10 Summary

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

Quite arguably, Series 10 of the new ‘Doctor Who’ TV series is the best season out of the three that Peter Capaldi did as the Twelfth Doctor. There are some good episodes to take away from the season, including ‘Smile’, ‘Thin Ice’, ‘Empress of Mars’ and ‘The Eaters of Light’, which I’ve enjoyed. 🙂

The highlight of Series 10 is the introduction of Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts, the Twelfth Doctor’s companion for his third season. Bill Potts serves well as the Twelfth Doctor’s companion compared to Clara Oswald. 🙂 And there’s Matt Lucas as Nardole joining the Twelfth Doctor and Bill in Series 10.

Despite the praise I give to Peter Capaldi’s third season as the Twelfth Doctor, it’s hard to ignore the flaws that Series 10 contains, especially with Steven Moffat as the showrunner. Most notably is ‘The Monks Trilogy’, including ‘Extremis’, ‘The Pyramid at the End of the World’ and ‘The Lie of the Land’.

I found them to be a muddled collection of ‘Doctor Who’ episodes, despite the good performances from the cast. I feel that the storytelling could have been handled differently. There’s also the two-part finale ‘World Enough and Time’/’The Doctor Falls’, which I think suffers in terms of its output. 😦

Whilst the return of the Mondasian Cybermen and John Simm as the Master is exciting enough in ‘World Enough and Time’, ‘The Doctor Falls’ struggles in terms of being a dramatic conclusion to Series 10, particularly when concerning the resolution of Michelle Gomez as Missy’s redemption arc. 😐

Despite the flaws that I find in Series 10 of the new ‘Doctor Who’ TV series, there are cherished fond memories to take away from the season. This is especially when you watch Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor and Pearl Mackie as Bill, as they work so well together as a TARDIS duo throughout. 🙂

Thanks for reading!

Bye for now!

Tim 🙂

4 thoughts on “‘Doctor Who’ 60th Anniversary Marathon – Series 10 Summary

  1. scifimike70

    Thanks for your summary, Tim. I found much of Series 10 enjoyable enough. With some serious exceptions like the way the story treated the Doctor in The Eaters Of Light, which in regard to all the Doctor’s personal issues was just too extreme. In fact it was the main reason why I was quite looking forward to Jodie’s era, sensing how a female Doctor would finally and naturally do away with all the male Doctors’ hubris issues. Dr. Who may often suffer from not particularly the best writing. But there’s thankfully always something to subjectively enjoy.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tim Bradley Post author

      Hi scifimike,

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Series 10 of the new ‘Doctor Who’ TV series. Interesting thoughts you have about ‘The Eaters of Light’. I never had a problem with that episode, as I thought the Twelfth Doctor was written fine in that, and I didn’t think the male Doctors had hubrid issues. I’m glad you were looking forward to Jodie Whittaker’s era following Peter Capaldi’s era.

      Many thanks for your comments.

      Tim 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tim Bradley Post author

        Hi scifimike,

        That’s certainly true. Some Doctors are nicer than others and some are sharper than others. It’s also interesting how fans have their favourites and how they differ from each other.

        Tim 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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