‘Brussels Calling’ (TV)



Please feel free to comment on my review.

In this third episode of Series 5 of ‘The Brittas Empire’, Gordon Brittas is now in Brussels, hoping to secure his EU commissioner post for sport. He does complain about his room service at the hotel, but Jack Raymond, who happens to be the hotel manager here, seems to grin and bear it in the tale.

I’m not sure if the hotel manager can understand what Brittas is saying when he’s making complaints to him. It’s like that ‘Bean’ film ‘Mr. Bean’s Holiday’ where nobody understands what you’re saying. 😀 Everybody back home in Whitbury New Town Leisure Centre hopes for Brittas to get the EU post.

They also expect the leisure centre to be run better with Laura in charge. It’s actually nice to see Laura put in charge of the leisure centre whilst Brittas is away. Usually she’s under Brittas’ thumb. But as usual, things go wrong at the leisure centre, even when Mr. Brittas isn’t about the place here.

Although, I think Brittas’ constant phone-calling to people like Laura, Carole, Gavin, Colin, Julie and Linda might have something to do with the chaos occurring in the leisure centre. Anyway, there happens to be a rat plague occurring in the centre. The rats are in the food, the swimming pool, etc.

It’s not explained where the rats came from however. Whether they were put there by an enemy of Brittas, such as someone sending him poison pen letters, I don’t know. It’s quite likely. But there is one thing to stop the rat plague. Apparently, Ben, Carole’s baby boy, can control them with his flute.

This Colin puts to his advantage when he picks up the rats with his gloves and puts them into a fire bucket. 😀 Colin meanwhile also makes the mistake to kill some grass on the cricket match when misunderstanding Brittas’ orders. What Brittas wanted was for him to kill the weeds on a footpath. 🙂

Tim meanwhile moans about having to play a Mr. Blobby-like clown at a birthday party. I can sympathise with Tim. Honestly, I don’t know why he didn’t fully dress up as Mr. Blobby in the story. The birthday party happens to be for the son of Mike Sherman as Graham Furber, an English teacher.

Helen was involved in nearly ‘accidentally’ running over Mr. Furber with her car in his classroom after he criticised her son’s homework. Julie calls in her ex-boyfriend, Pip Torrens (who I’ve seen in ‘Jeeves & Wooster’, ‘Grantchester’ and ‘Doctor Who’) as ruthless lawyer John Rawlinson to help. 😀

It doesn’t help matters when John Rawlinson flirts with a willing Helen and not focusing on the morals of the case of her being accused for ‘attempted murder’. In the end, an explosion occurs following a mixture of weed killer and sugar. That damages Furber’s car as he and his family leave. 😀

‘Brussels Calling’ rating – 9/10

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2 thoughts on “‘Brussels Calling’ (TV)

  1. Williams Fan 92

    Hi Tim,

    Wow, even when Brittas isn’t at the centre, he still causes problems. I’m glad Laura figured out it was him, especially since it caused her a great deal of stress and it led to her lashing out at Carole. I do think her wrath was warranted with Helen though. What she tried to do to Graham Furber was inexcusable. I found it funny when he thought that the messages, rats and damaging his car were her doing.

    P.s. I watched ‘Parasite’ again recently. It’s a really good movie, and I can see as to why it won the 2020 Academy Award for best picture. Blu-Ray or Prime Video would be the best options for watching it.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tim Bradley Post author

      Hi Xavier,

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this ‘Brittas Empire’ episode. It’s amusing how the leisure centre team continued to have problems, even without Brittas there, despite him calling them on the phone. Considering the circumstances, I think Laura coped rather well, even if it got chaotic by the end. Helen’s adultery goes to show why Gordon deserves someone better like Laura. 😆 I also found it funny when Linda disposed of the rats, despite having had a shower and running around in a bath towel.

      Thanks for letting me know about ‘Parasite’. I know if it’s my kind of movie, but I’ll certainly consider it.

      Best wishes,

      Tim 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


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