‘Call the Midwife’, Series 2, Episode 7 (TV)


Please feel free to comment on my review.

We’re now on the penultimate episode of Series 2 of ‘Call the Midwife’. This was a pretty good episode to watch in the series. Mind you, there is a subplot that’s left unresolved in my own opinion.

In the episode, Bryony Hannah as Cynthia is given the task of administering daily insulin injections to Warren Clarke as the diabetic John Lacey. Though, why didn’t Pam Ferris as Sister Evangelina do it?

I mean, she did it for the first injection when she and Cynthia visited Mr. Lacey at his home with his wife. Mind you, he was difficult for the first time and soon relented when Cynthia took over the job.

Mr. Lacey happens to be a deplorable bully who constantly belittles his wife Nicola Sloane as Annie. Cynthia encourages Annie to stand up for herself. Annie gradually adheres to Cynthia’s advice in this.

Lacey keeps demanding Annie to give him food that could be dangerous to his health such as pies. Cynthia learns from Annie that she’s ‘repaying’ for him giving her and her son Bob a home years ago.

Eventually, Annie and Mr. Lacey receive a visit from their son Nick Hendrix as Bob, who’s got himself engaged to Louise Dylan as Trudie from America. But Trudie doesn’t seem the ideal partner for Bob.

For one thing, Trudie insists that the wedding takes place in her home town rather than in England. She also refuses the gift given to her by Annie and she leaves it behind hoping nobody would notice.

But Mr. Lacey notices and doesn’t approve of the marriage between her son Bob and Trudie. He also refuses to go to America to attend the wedding, claiming that it’s too far for him and his wife Annie.

In the episode, Annie gradually gains confidence as she decides to go and see her son Bob at the hotel he’s staying at and have lunch with him. He leaves her husband John to fend for himself in this.

We don’t get to see what the conversations Annie has with her son. In fact, Trudie isn’t even invited, which is peculiar. But I suppose this was a mother and son thing with meeting up for lunch at the hotel.

Annie returns home to find Bob has prepared a meal for her I think, which is nice. She also seems happy about the way her life’s turned around. Mind you, I still think the marriage issue is unresolved.

We never get to learn more about Bob and Trudie and whether they end up happily ever after. There’s no debate about whether Trudie’s the right partner for him or not. It’s left quite unresolved.

Meanwhile, Jenny attends to Velile Tshabala as black mother-to-be Monique Hyde. And I just realised she was Rosita in the ‘Doctor Who’ episode ‘The Next Doctor’. How come I didn’t know?! 😀

Monique is subjected to racial prejudice from her neighbours, including Kaye Wragg as Rita Bailey. Jessica Raine as Jenny does not treat Monique that way. She puts her baby first before anything else.

Jenny and Monique share a good relationship with each other, especially when Jenny visits her run-down home and learns more about her family background. Monique’s home country seems lovely. 🙂

But on the day Monique is about to give birth, she has trouble getting through to Nonnatus House, especially when Judy Parfitt as Sister Monica becomes forgetful once she answers the phone. Oops!

Thankfully, Monique receives help from her neighbour Rita once her waters are about to break. They get to Nonnatus House where the midwifery team helps to deliver her baby. Everything is successful.

In another subplot, Nonnatus House takes ownership of a scooter funded by the success of the Summer Fete. Cliff Parisi as Fred gives the midwives lessons on how to ride the scooter on rounds. 🙂

He also receives lessons from Sister Evangelina on how to ride the scooter too. 😀 Miranda Hart as Chummy and Ben Caplan as PC Noakes also return home and Chummy is expecting a baby herself. 🙂

Meanwhile, Laura Main as Sister Bernadette receives a visit from Jenny Agutter as Sister Julienne whilst she’s recovering. Sister Bernadette confesses something to Sister Julienne on her life choices.

The seventh episode of Series 2 of ‘Call the Midwife’ has been pretty good. I have an issue regarding the mother’s son getting married to someone overbearing, but I look forward to the next episode. 🙂

‘Series 2, Episode 7’ rating – 7/10

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4 thoughts on “‘Call the Midwife’, Series 2, Episode 7 (TV)

  1. Fran Jack

    what happened to the family of the girl who had the baby in this episode? She visited her dad who was very I’ll and I thought they mentioned another (3/4) siblings they died??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tim Bradley Post author

      Hi Fran,

      I assume you’re referring to the Velile Tshabala/Monique Hyde character featured in the episode. It’s been a while since I’ve seen this episode in 2020, so I can’t vividly recall the details of what happened to the family. I’ll have to rewatch the episode again to be sure of the details.


      Tim 🙂


    2. Adriene Smith

      Daughter and father made up when it was revealed to him she was pregnant. After giving birth to a boy the nurse who was with him as he was near death, he asked to hold his grandson and then peacefully passed away. The daughter inherited his pub and lived happily ever after.

      Liked by 1 person


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