‘The Lost Generation’ (SS)


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Aboard the Prosperity with the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane

This is a story by George Mann and it features the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane. ‘The Lost Generation’ has the Doctor and Sarah Jane visiting the spaceship called Prosperity. They discover that the ship’s been on a long journey, searching for a home and the pilot is on the last verges of life.

I found this adventure enjoyable to read and it has elements of ‘The Ark’ and ‘The Ark In Space’ featured in it. I like how the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane are written in this adventure by George Mann. I could hear Tom Baker and Elisabeth Sladen saying their lines as their characters reading this.

The pilot is revealed to be Ana who is kept alive in a decaying state, almost looking like a skeleton. I found that a creepy image. I’m sure Mary Whitehouse would have complaints to make if this was made for TV. It’s interesting Ana the pilot doesn’t turn out to be the villain as she cares for her people.

The tribe aboard the Prosperity spaceship is almost primitive-like as they use spears as weapons. There’s Euripides who is like the tribe’s chief warrior aboard the Prosperity. There are also the tribe’s leaders. They are the left-tenant who is a man and the right-tenant who is a woman. They are nameless.

The story also features a mutant sheep that the Doctor and Sarah Jane tackle at the beginning of the story. The mutant sheep happens to be carnivorous and I can imagine it being very vicious-looking. More for Mary Whitehouse to complain about! There’s also an ‘Android Invasion’ atmosphere here.

‘The Lost Generation’ is accompanied by the chapter called ‘Space Travel’.

‘The Lost Generation’ rating – 7/10

The previous story

For the Fourth Doctor was

  • ‘Chain Reaction’ (ST/Audio)

For Sarah Jane was

  • ‘Chain Reaction’ (ST/Audio)
The next story

For the Fourth Doctor is

  • ‘Where’s The Doctor’ (Annual Comic)

For Sarah Jane is

  • ‘Where’s The Doctor’ (Annual Comic)
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