Tag Archives: destiny of the doctor (dw) (audio series)

‘Destiny of the Doctor’ Review – ‘Vengeance of the Stones’


Hello everyone! 🙂

It’s time to celebrate the Third Doctor era of ‘Doctor Who’ for the 50th anniversary!

Here on ‘Bradley’s Basement’, we continue to look into the ‘Destiny of the Doctor’ audio series from Big Finish and AudioGo in 2013. Today, my review on the third story, ‘Vengeance of the Stones’ with the Third Doctor; Mike Yates; the Brigadier and U.N.I.T., is now online. 🙂 Continue reading

‘Destiny of the Doctor’ Review – ‘Shadow of Death’


Hello everyone! 🙂

It’s Good Friday today!

It’s time to celebrate the Second Doctor era of ‘Doctor Who’ for the 50th anniversary!

Here on ‘Bradley’s Basement’, we continue to look into the ‘Destiny of the Doctor’ audio series from Big Finish and AudioGo in 2013. Today, my review on the second story, ‘Shadow of Death’ with the Second Doctor; Jamie and Zoe, is now online. 🙂 Continue reading

‘Destiny of the Doctor’ Review – ‘Hunters of Earth’


Hello everyone! 🙂

The Easter celebrations begin here on ‘Bradley’s Basement’ with a special look into a special ‘Doctor Who’ anniversary series!

It’s time to celebrate the First Doctor era of ‘Doctor Who’ for the 50th anniversary!

Here on ‘Bradley’s Basement’, it’s time to look into the ‘Destiny of the Doctor’ audio series from Big Finish and AudioGo in 2013. Today, my review on the first story, ‘Hunters of Earth’ with the First Doctor and Susan, is now online. 🙂 Continue reading