Tag Archives: destiny of the doctor (dw) (audio series)

Season 17-styled stories of ‘Doctor Who’


Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

Do you like the Douglas Adams era of ‘Doctor Who’?

Well, here are some reviews by me on some ‘Doctor Who’ stories in the style of Douglas Adams from Season 17. These stories are by two distinguished ‘Doctor Who’ writers – Jonathan Morris and Gareth Roberts. Both have contributed to the Douglas Adams era of the series via books and audio! Continue reading

‘Doctor Who’ Mania with the Tenth Doctor and Donna

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Hello everyone! 🙂

At long last! I’ve reviewed ‘The Tenth Doctor Adventures – Volume 1’ by Big Finish on my ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog!

This contains three audio stories with David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor and Catherine Tate as Donna Noble, which were released last year in May 2016! There are also more reviews and another Tenth Doctor and Donna story by me here. Continue reading

‘Destiny of the Doctor’ Review – ‘The Time Machine’


Hello everyone! 🙂

It’s time to celebrate the Eleventh Doctor era of ‘Doctor Who’ for the 50th anniversary!

Here on ‘Bradley’s Basement’, we come to the end of the ‘Destiny of the Doctor’ audio series from Big Finish and AudioGo in 2013. Today, my review on the eleventh story, ‘The Time Machine’ with the Eleventh Doctor, is now online. 🙂 Continue reading

‘Destiny of the Doctor’ Review – ‘Death’s Deal’


Hello everyone! 🙂

It’s time to celebrate the Tenth Doctor era of ‘Doctor Who’ for the 50th anniversary!

Here on ‘Bradley’s Basement’, we continue to look into the ‘Destiny of the Doctor’ audio series from Big Finish and AudioGo in 2013. Today, my review on the tenth story, ‘Death’s Deal’ with the Tenth Doctor and Donna, is now online. 🙂 Continue reading

‘Destiny of the Doctor’ Review – ‘Night of the Whisper’


Hello everyone! 🙂

It’s the 1st of April today!

It’s time to celebrate the Ninth Doctor era of ‘Doctor Who’ for the 50th anniversary!

Here on ‘Bradley’s Basement’, we continue to look into the ‘Destiny of the Doctor’ audio series from Big Finish and AudioGo in 2013. Today, my review on the ninth story, ‘Night of the Whisper’ with the Ninth Doctor; Rose and Captain Jack, is now online. 🙂 Continue reading

‘Destiny of the Doctor’ Review – ‘Enemy Aliens’


Hello everyone! 🙂

It’s time to celebrate the Eighth Doctor era of ‘Doctor Who’ for the 50th anniversary!

Here on ‘Bradley’s Basement’, we continue to look into the ‘Destiny of the Doctor’ audio series from Big Finish and AudioGo in 2013. Today, my review on the eighth story, ‘Enemy Aliens’ with the Eighth Doctor and Charley, is now online. 🙂 Continue reading

‘Destiny of the Doctor’ Review – ‘Shockwave’


Hello everyone! 🙂

It’s time to celebrate the Seventh Doctor era of ‘Doctor Who’ for the 50th anniversary!

Here on ‘Bradley’s Basement’, we continue to look into the ‘Destiny of the Doctor’ audio series from Big Finish and AudioGo in 2013. Today, my review on the seventh story, ‘Shockwave’ with the Seventh Doctor and Ace, is now online. 🙂 Continue reading

‘Destiny of the Doctor’ Review – ‘Trouble In Paradise’


Hello everyone! 🙂

It’s time to celebrate the Sixth Doctor era of ‘Doctor Who’ for the 50th anniversary!

Here on ‘Bradley’s Basement’, we continue to look into the ‘Destiny of the Doctor’ audio series from Big Finish and AudioGo in 2013. Today, my review on the sixth story, ‘Trouble In Paradise’ with the Sixth Doctor and Peri, is now online. 🙂 Continue reading

Week 9 – ‘The Nyssa Challenge’


Hello everyone! 🙂

It’s Easter Monday today! This week on ‘The Nyssa Challenge’, we join in the ‘Destiny of the Doctor’ series to celebrate 50 years of ‘Doctor Who’ with ‘Smoke and Mirrors’. It’s time to celebrate the Fifth Doctor era of ‘Doctor Who’ for the 50th anniversary! Continue reading

‘Destiny of the Doctor’ Review – ‘Babblesphere’

Hello everyone! 🙂

It’s Easter Sunday today!

“Happy Easter everyone!” 🙂

It’s time to celebrate the Fourth Doctor era of ‘Doctor Who’ for the 50th anniversary! Here on ‘Bradley’s Basement’, we continue to look into the ‘Destiny of the Doctor’ audio series from Big Finish and AudioGo in 2013. Today, my review on the fourth story, ‘Babblesphere’ with the Fourth Doctor and the second Romana, is now online. 🙂 Continue reading