Tag Archives: a dalek awakens (tlv) (dw)

Quick Escape Hunt Review – ‘A Dalek Awakens’ (TLV) (Doctor Who) (TAKE TWO)

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

Last year in November, my Mum and I tackled the ‘Doctor Who’ Escape Hunt game called ‘A Dalek Awakens’ in Cheltenham. Last weekend, I had another go at tackling ‘A Dalek Awakens’ in Cheltenham and my best mate from school Stephen joined me. We greatly enjoyed doing the game! Continue reading

Quick Escape Hunt Review – ‘A Dalek Awakens’ (TLV) (Doctor Who)

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

Last week, my parents and I spent a couple of days in Cheltenham from Wednesday to Friday. On Thursday, my Mum and I did the ‘Doctor Who’ Escape Hunt game called ‘A Dalek Awakens’! It was the first time we ever did a ‘Doctor Who’ Escape Hunt game, but we had great fun experiencing it! 🙂 Continue reading