Tag Archives: tom salinksy

Week 10aiv – ‘The Nyssa Challenge’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

It’s now time to take a look into the latest Fifth Doctor trilogy of Big Finish audio adventures of ‘Doctor Who’ that was released earlier this year in 2018. This is still part of the Week 10a run of stories in ‘The Nyssa Challenge’ mini-season of reviews for the Christmas period in 2018 this year! 😀 Continue reading

Quick CD reviews – ‘The Fifth Doctor Trilogy 2018’ by Big Finish

Hey, if you’ve missed my ‘Doctor Who’ reviews on ‘The Star Men’, ‘The Contingency Club’ and ‘Zaltys’ in my mini ‘Nyssa Challenge’ review season last Christmas, you can check them out by clicking on the links here. Continue reading