Tag Archives: the wedding of river song (dw)

‘Doctor Who’ 60th Anniversary Marathon – Series 6 Summary

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

For me, Series 6 of the new ‘Doctor Who’ TV series is the weakest of the three seasons featuring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor. Series 6 is a convoluted jigsaw puzzle of a season that has a lot of good ideas in it. It’s a shame that a lot of the good ideas were executed in a very haphazard manner. Continue reading

‘Doctor Who’ 60th Anniversary Marathon – ‘The Wedding of River Song’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

Here we are on the season finale of Series 6 of the new ‘Doctor Who’ TV series. This isn’t a two-part story as you would expect. The finale happens to be a single episode. 😐 This is where theoretically mostly everything that’s been going on in Series 6 of the new ‘Doctor Who’ TV series comes together in the episode. It’s time for ‘The Wedding of River Song’ by Steven Moffat, starring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams and Alex Kingston as River Song. This ‘Doctor Who’ episode also features the return of Frances Barber as Madame Kovarian, along with the Silence. There’s also the return of Simon Fisher-Becker as Dorium Maldovar, Ian McNeice as Winston Churchill, Richard Hope as Malokeh and there’s even Simon Callow as Charles Dickens. Was this is a satisfying ‘Doctor Who’ season finale for me? Were all the unanswered questions that went on in Series 6 answered in this episode? ‘The Wedding of River Song’ can be checked out on DVD, Blu-ray and BBC iPlayer. Continue reading

‘Doctor Who’ Marathon – ‘The Wedding of River Song’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley! 

This is the season finale of Series 6 in ‘Doctor Who’. It’s a story that should’ve been a two-parter with everything crammed in at the end. It features the return of River Song as well as the Silence. Can the Doctor stop time collapsing with the world now seemingly jumbled up with many time zones? Continue reading

Series 6 of ‘Doctor Who’ with Matt Smith


Hello everyone! 🙂

I’ve added all of my DVD reviews on Series 6 of ‘Doctor Who’ on ‘Bradley’s Basement’. This includes reviews on the thirteen episodes from Series 6, starring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams and Alex Kingston as River Song. Continue reading