CD Review – ‘The Worlds of Doctor Who’


Hello everyone! 🙂

Today, my review of the Big Finish audio story called ‘The Worlds of Doctor Who’ is now online! This is an exciting four-episode story featuring four distinct spin-off shows of ‘Doctor Who’ in Big Finish audio. This includes ‘Jago & Litefoot’; ‘Counter-Measures’; the U.N.I.T. Vault and ‘Gallifrey’. It also features an appearance of Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor in the fourth episode of this epic four-part audio story.

Please see my link for ‘The Worlds of Doctor Who’ here. Please feel free to comment on my review of ‘The Worlds of Doctor Who’. This includes a review on each of the four episodes in this epic audio story. This includes reviews on ‘Mind Games’ with Jago & Litefoot; ‘The Reesinger Process’ with Counter-Measures; ‘The Screaming Skull’ with the U.N.I.T. Vault and ‘Second Sight’ with the Sixth Doctor; Romana and Leela.

You can purchase ‘The Worlds of Doctor Who’ either from; or the Big Finish website.

Enjoy! 🙂

Bye for now!

Tim. 🙂

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