Tag Archives: destination: skaro (dw)

‘Doctor Who’ 60th Anniversary Marathon – ‘Destination: Skaro’, ‘The Star Beast’, ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ and ‘The Giggle’


Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

This is probably what you’ve been looking forward to. 😀 Welcome to the David Tennant/Fourteenth Doctor era of ‘Doctor Who’ in the ‘Doctor Who’ 60th Anniversary Marathon on ‘Bradley’s Basement’. This consists of the 60th anniversary specials that were shown on BBC TV in the UK and on Disney+ in other parts of the world from November to December 2023. There’s the mini-episode ‘Destination: Skaro’, which was shown on Children in Need night in November 2023, and there’s the three 60th anniversary specials themselves, including ‘The Star Beast’, ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ and ‘The Giggle’. All the specials are by Russell T. Davies (with ‘The Star Beast’ being from a story by Pat Mills and Dave Gibbons), and they star David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor and Catherine Tate as Donna Noble. There are also special guest stars like Neil Patrick Harris as the Toymaker and Yasmin Finney as Rose Noble, Donna’s daughter. There was a lot of hype in the build-up to the 60th anniversary specials on TV. Afterwards, lots of ‘Doctor Who’ fans and audience members have found them satisfying. Where do I stand on this? Did the 60th anniversary specials of ‘Doctor Who’ by RTD fulfil my expectations? ‘Destination: Skaro’ can be checked out on BBC iPlayer or YouTube, and ‘The Star Beast’, ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ and ‘The Giggle’ can be checked out on DVD, Blu-ray and BBC iPlayer in the UK or on DVD, Blu-ray and Disney+ in other parts of the world. Continue reading