‘The Prime Factor’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

At last! I’ve added my brand-new Fifth Doctor story to my blog called ‘The Prime Factor’. I’m glad I’ve been able to release this story in November before the Christmas season in December. I wrote this story in the months of June and July 2019. It has been a pretty exciting story to write and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!

Here is a link to the ‘The Prime Factor’ page on my blog. There is an introduction by me on the story as well as the story itself. The story is divided into two bumper episodes. There are eight chapters for each of the two episodes. You can access the ‘Introduction’ and the chapters by clicking the links on ‘The Prime Factor’ page.

Here is a brief summary of what ‘The Prime Factor’ is all about.

Whilst enjoying their holiday in Swansea 1930, Billy has a bad dream about his school days. He asks the Doctor to take him back to his nightmare school week with a nasty headmaster called Mr. Lewis. The Doctor, Nyssa and Billy are soon summoned back to Gallifrey where they’re sent on a mission in connection to Billy’s school week. Can the TARDIS trio with the Chancellery Guard commander Maxil save the universe from the threat of the Prime Factor?

There’ll be more stories to look forward to in December 2019 and the new year in 2020. I’ll be making a start on writing a brand-new Short Trip featuring the Fourth Doctor who has an adventure with James Darby as played by Timelord007. 😀 I hope to add a news update on more ‘Fifth Doctor’ stories soon. Stay tuned and watch this space!

In the meantime, enjoy ‘The Prime Factor’ with the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Billy. There are also some cameo appearances of past and future Doctors and companions in this story by the way. 🙂

Check out my other stories in ‘The Fifth Doctor by Tim Bradley’ series on my blog!


Bye for now!

Tim. 🙂

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