Day 21 – ‘Bradley’s Basement’s Advent Calendar 2019

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

It’s Day 21 of ‘Bradley’s Basement’s Advent Calendar 2019.

She worked with Tom Baker’s Doctor during the Graham Williams’ era and is now in ‘Gallifrey’! 😀

Tim Bradley with Lalla Ward at the ‘London Film & Comic Con’, Olympia, July 2017

Lalla Ward is well-known for playing the second incarnation of Romana, the Fourth Doctor’s companion in ‘Doctor Who’. Beforehand, she played Princess Astra in the ‘Doctor Who’ story ‘The Armageddon Factor’. Now she plays Romana in the ‘Doctor Who’ audio advenures as well as the ‘Gallifrey’ series by Big Finish. I’ve had that pleasure of enjoying Lalla Ward as Romana in those audios.

I didn’t think I would ever meet Lalla Ward at conventions. Thankfully I did as the first time I saw her was at the ‘Project Motor Mouth 2’ in Slough, August 2013. I’ve had nice chats with Lalla Ward, talking to her about her favourite ‘Doctor Who’ stories and working with Douglas Adams, her favourite writer.

The other times I’ve seen Lalla Ward at conventions include ‘Big Finish Day 6’ in Slough, January 2015; the ‘Bournemouth Film & Comic Con’ in August 2015 and the ‘London Film & Comic Con’ in July 2017. The times I’ve seen Lalla have been very pleasant and she’s been a friendly person to chat to at conventions.

The items that Lalla Ward has signed for me at conventions are as follows. She’s signed my DVD cover for ‘City of Death’; my CD cover for the ‘City of Death’ audiobook; my CD copy of ‘The Fourth Doctor by Gareth Roberts’ box set featuring ‘The Romance of Crime’ and ‘The English Way of Death’; my CD copy of the ‘Novel Adaptations, Volume 2’ box set featuring ‘The Well-Mannered War’; my CD cover for the 2003 version of ‘Shada’ with Paul McGann; my CD cover for the ‘Shada’ audiobook and my CD cover for ‘Babblesphere’ from the ‘Destiny of the Doctor’ series. These are some of my favourites! 😀

I honestly didn’t expect to meet Lalla Ward at conventions or have nice chats with her. But I’m glad I have and it’s been interesting to experience what she’s like to talk to during signings at conventions. I hope I’ll get another chance to meet Lalla again at conventions as she’s been a friendly person to meet.

Thanks for reading!

Check out what Day 21 of my ‘Bradley’s Basement’s Advent Calendars for 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 were about!

Bye for now!

Tim. 🙂

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