Tag Archives: ken stott

‘Jesus of Nazareth’ & ‘The Miracle Maker’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

As it’s Good Friday tomorrow, it’s a good time to revisit two dramatised productions of the story of Jesus Christ and the wonderful miracles he performed. The two productions of Jesus’ story that I’ve reviewed include the 1977 TV mini-series ‘Jesus of Nazareth’, starring Robert Powell as Jesus, and the 1999/2000 animated film ‘The Miracle Maker’, featuring Ralph Fiennes as the voice of Jesus. Continue reading

Revisiting ‘The Hobbit’/’The Lord of the Rings’ on Blu-ray

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ and I’m Tim Bradley!

I’ve had a chance to check out ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ films again, set in the world of Middle-Earth. I’m planning to do a ‘LOTR’-styled Advent Calendar for my blog this year with a comedic edge to it. I also hope to make a start on updating my reviews on the ‘LOTR’ radio series once I’ve sorted out my ‘Nyssa Challenge’ reviews for this year. I also hope to see the new ‘LOTR’ TV series on Amazon Prime Video soon. Continue reading

Good Friday 2020

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

It’s Good Friday today! For this occasion, I’m sharing my review on one of the most well-known films featuring the Biblical story of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world! Here is my review on ‘The Miracle Maker’, a brilliant film from 2000 featuring stop-motion animation and cartoon animation. 🙂 Continue reading

‘The Hobbit’/’The Lord of the Rings’ on Blu-ray

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ and I’m Tim Bradley!

I’ve updated and extended my reviews on ‘The Hobbit’ film trilogy and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ film trilogy. I’ve been revisiting ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ films by director Peter Jackson, set in the world of Middle-Earth. This is before I read and review ‘The Hobbit’ book by J. R. R. Tolkien and hopefully before I update my current reviews on ‘The Lord of the Rings’ BBC radio series. Continue reading

DVD review – ‘The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

You probably know this already from my Basement News post for March 2018. But if you haven’t, this is to let you know that I’ve finished revisiting ‘The Hobbit’ film trilogy by updating my review for the third film, ‘The Battle of the Five Armies’, with new photos and extended paragraphs. I’m looking forward to revisiting ‘The Lord of the Rings’ next, especially through the Blu-ray editions. Continue reading

DVD review – ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

I continue to revisit ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ film trilogies. Recently, I’ve revisited the second film of ‘The Hobbit’ trilogy called ‘The Desolation of Smaug’. This is through the Extended Edition of the movie and I have updated my review on it with new photos and extended paragraphs. Continue reading

DVD review – ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

I’m currently revisiting ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ film trilogies. For the past two weeks, I’ve enjoyed re-watching the Extended Edition of ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’. In doing so, I’ve updated my review on the movie with some new photos and extended the paragraphs. Continue reading

DVD review – ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Today, my second review on ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’ page is now on-line on ‘Bradley’s Basement’. Continue reading