Tag Archives: peter butterworth

‘Doctor Who’ 60th Anniversary Marathon – ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

This is a big one! It’s time to check out the epic 12-part ‘Doctor Who’ story called ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’, starring William Hartnell as the First Doctor and Peter Purves as Steven. You can listen to ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’ soundtrack on audio CD or Audible, and you can watch the second, fifth and tenth surviving episodes of the story in the ‘Lost In Time’ DVD collection. The story also introduces us to Nicholas Courtney (before he became the Brigadier) as Bret Vyon, and Kevin Stoney (before he became Tobias Vaughn in ‘The Invasion’) as the villainous Mavic Chen. Adrienne Hill also appears as Katarina, following her debut in ‘The Myth Makers’. It also features the introduction of Jean Marsh as Sara Kindgom. The seventh episode is a Christmas episode, would you believe? 😀 And the eighth to tenth episodes also feature the return of Peter Butterworth as the Meddling Monk. Continue reading

‘Doctor Who’ 60th Anniversary Marathon – ‘The Time Meddler’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

It’s time for the season finale of Season 2 of the classic ‘Doctor Who’ TV series called ‘The Time Meddler’. William Hartnell as the First Doctor and Maureen O’Brien as Vicki are joined by Peter Purves as Steven, as they visit the Northumbrian coast in the 11th century where Saxons and Vikings are. They also meet the Meddling Monk, who makes his debut in ‘Doctor Who’ and Peter Butterworth plays him. You can watch the four-part story either on DVD, Blu-ray or Britbox. Continue reading

‘Dad’s Army: Series 1-9’ Updated

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

As I’ve been adding my reviews on the episodes for the ‘Dad’s Army’ radio series as well as adding reviews for the 1971 ‘Dad’s Army: The Movie’; ‘We’re Doomed! The Dad’s Army Story’; the 2016 ‘Dad’s Army’ movie and the 2019 ‘Dad’s Army’ lost episodes remake, I’ve also updated and extended my reviews on all the episodes of the ‘Dad’s Army’ TV series. It took a while, but it was well worth it! Continue reading

DVD Reviews – ‘Classic Mystery Agatha Christie Collection’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

And welcome back to the world to ‘The World of Agatha Christie’!

Yeah it’s been a while since I’ve posted reviews on any Agatha Christie-related stuff. But today, I’m not going to add my reviews on Series 2 of ITV’s ‘Agatha Christie’s Marple’ series. Although I will get to do that someday. Instead, I’m adding my reviews on the ‘Miss Marple’ series with Margaret Rutherford. Continue reading

‘Mission To The Unknown’ and ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

Today, I’ve posted my ‘Doctor Who’ reviews on ‘Mission To The Unknown’ and ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’ on ‘Bradley’s Basement’! ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’ is a 12-part epic story with William Hartnell as the First Doctor. ‘Mission To The Unknown’ is a single-episode story without the Doctor, acting as a prelude to ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’. Continue reading

‘Dad’s Army: Series 8’ Updated

dad's army series 8 dvd

Hello everyone! 🙂

I’ve now updated my reviews on Series 8 on ‘Dad’s Army’ by extending them and giving them individual pages on my blog. I hope to do the same for the rest of the series as I re-watch ‘Dad’s Army’ on DVD. Please feel free to check out, read and comment on my current ‘Dad’s Army’ reviews. Continue reading

Four ‘Doctor Who’ reviews with William Hartnell

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Hello everyone! 🙂

Today, I’ve posted four new ‘Doctor Who’ reviews starring William Hartnell as the Doctor. Continue reading