Category Archives: Basement Anniversary

A Special Preview of ‘The Thirteen+ Doctors’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley.

To celebrate eight years of ‘Bradley’s Basement’, I’m sharing a special preview of my upcoming epic three-part 60th anniversary special of ‘Doctor Who’ called ‘The Thirteen+ Doctors’. I’m sharing this epic adventure in the first three weeks of November 2023. ‘Part I: The Gathering of the Doctors’ will be released on the 6th of November, ‘Part II: The Two Masterminds’ will be released on the 13th of November, and ‘Part III: The Legacy of the Doctor’ will be released on the 20th of November. Continue reading

Happy 8th Anniversary to ‘Bradley’s Basement’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog AND IT’S THE 8TH ANNIVERSARY!!!

Wow, wow, wow!!! Eight years ago, I started ‘Bradley’s Basement’ at the end of September in 2015 and I’m still blogging to this day. I’m amazed by how many reviews – both ‘Doctor Who’ and non-‘Doctor Who’ – and how many ‘Doctor Who’ timelines I’ve shared on my blog these past eight years. Continue reading

A Special Preview of ‘Return to Christmas’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley.

Today, to celebrate seven years of ‘Bradley’s Basement’, I’m sharing the prologue to the upcoming Christmas Special in ‘The Fifth Doctor by Tim Bradley’ series called ‘Return to Christmas’, which will be released in its entirety in December 2022. Hopefully by the time you read this post, the story will have been uploaded and scheduled for release on Sarah Sutton’s birthday in December this year. Continue reading

Happy 7th Anniversary to ‘Bradley’s Basement’

The office is empty at first. Tim then enters, yawning away, as he sits down at the computer. He soon types away.

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

(yawns) Excuse me. I’ve been pretty busy lately. What with getting my 60th anniversary special of ‘Doctor Who’ sorted for 2023 as well my upcoming ‘Nyssa Challenge’ mini-review season for December. (Pause) I’m not entirely sure what day it is today. (Pause) What day is it? (checks mobile) Continue reading

‘The Coins of Deno: The Map to Time’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley.

As we continue to celebrate six years of ‘Bradley’s Basement’ today, I’ve decided to share the first episode of the upcoming ‘Fifth Doctor by Tim Bradley’ anthology called ‘The Coins of Deno’. I’m still uploading the eight-part anthology as we speak. Five episodes have been completed whilst three more episodes need attending to. Continue reading

Bradley’s Basement’s Strange Love – ‘The Keeper of Traken’

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Happy 6th Anniversary to ‘Bradley’s Basement’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog AND IT’S THE 6TH ANNIVERSARY!!!

Six years of ‘Bradley’s Basement’ and…we’re still having to abide by certain current pandemic guidelines. 😦 – please keep safe. Thankfully restrictions have eased significantly in the UK and certain parts of the world. Things are better compared to what they were in 2020. Cinemas have opened up and I’ve seen films on the big screen in 2021! Conventions and comics have started again and I’m looking forward to ‘Bedford Who Charity Con’ in October. Continue reading

A ‘BB@5’ Tribute by the Divergent Wordsmiths

Hello everyone! 🙂

Just a quickie! I’ve had a nice tribute given to me about ‘Bradley’s Basement’ on its 5th anniversary by the Divergent Wordsmiths. I was so pleased to see it today! As indicated in the tribute, there’s a lot to look forward to regarding my blog including upcoming ‘Zorbius’ stories, the upcoming ‘Nyssa Challenge’ mini-review season, my upcoming ‘Bradley’s Basement Advent Calendar’ for December 2020 and the ‘March of the Thirteenth Doctor’ marathon review season. Stay tuned for further details on these upcoming projects. You can check out my 5th anniversary blog post here. Continue reading


Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog AND IT’S THE 5TH ANNIVERSARY!!!

WOW!!! Five years of doing my blog and I’ve still got too many ‘Doctor Who’ stories to review. 😀 I’m very pleased I’ve been able to get this far since I started my blog back in September 2015 with that ‘Hello and Welcome’ blog post I did. Thanks to everyone who supported my blog over the years! Continue reading