Tag Archives: morris perry

‘Doctor Who’ 60th Anniversary Marathon – ‘Colony In Space’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

For a while, we’ve had the Third Doctor being exiled to Earth by the Time Lords in ‘Doctor Who’. Here, in this fourth story of Season 8 of the classic TV series called ‘Colony In Space’, Jon Pertwee as the Doctor and Katy Manning as Jo Grant go off on an adventure away from Earth, as they visit the planet Uxarieus where a human colony is being threatened by the Interplanetary Mining Corporation (IMC). Roger Delgado as the Master is involved too. A young Helen Worth (who would later play Gail Platt in ‘Coronation Street’) is also in this ‘Doctor Who’ story. 🙂 This six-part adventure can be checked out on DVD, Blu-ray and Britbox. Continue reading

Season 8 of ‘Doctor Who’ with Jon Pertwee on Blu-ray #4

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

It’s time for the fourth story of Season 8 of ‘Doctor Who’ on Blu-ray with Jon Pertwee and it’s called ‘Colony In Space’. This six-part adventure by Malcolm Hulke has the Third Doctor going off Earth with Jo in the TARDIS to the planet Uxarieus where they meet colonists, face IMC miners and confront the Master once more. Continue reading

New Page and Reviews – ‘The World of Charles Dickens’

Hello everyone! 🙂

I’ve added a brand-new page to my ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog!

This is ‘The World of Charles Dickens’ page! This is where I will post reviews related to the works of Charles Dickens, including DVD reviews on the TV and film adaptations of his novels. This will include ‘The Pickwick Papers’; ‘Oliver Twist’; ‘A Christmas Carol’; ‘Martin Chuzzlewit’; ‘David Copperfield’; ‘A Tale of Two Cities’; ‘Great Expectations’ and ‘Our Mutual Friend’. Continue reading

More ‘Doctor Who’ Reviews

day of the daleks dvd doctor who series 3 dvd new doctor who series 7 2014 dvd doctor who series 8 dvd

Hello everyone! 🙂

I’ve added more reviews to my ‘Doctor Who Reviews’ page on ‘Bradley’s Basement’. These are the reviews on the TV episodes of ‘Doctor Who’ that I’ve reviewed recently on my ‘Doctor Who: The Complete History’ page on ‘Bradley’s Basement’. The stories from those pages of my ‘Complete History’ have their own individual page for reading and commenting on. Continue reading