Tag Archives: robbie stevens

Radio Times Winners and Fifth Doctor Favourites with Big Finish

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

People voted for their favourite Fifth Doctor main range audio stories by Big Finish in a Radio Times poll recently. I’ve reviewed these stories already, including ‘The Mutant Phase’, ‘Alien Heart’/‘Dalek Soul’, ‘The Lady of Mercia’, ‘The Peterloo Massacre’ and ‘Spare Parts’. Check out my reviews on them today. Continue reading

CD review – ‘Quicksilver’ (Doctor Who)

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

It’s time for another Sixth Doctor/Constance audio adventure of ‘Doctor Who’ by Big Finish, except this time they’re joined by Flip, who previously appeared in ‘Scavenger’. ‘Quicksilver’ is a four-part adventure by Matt Fitton and directed by Jamie Anderson, starring Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor, Miranda Raison as Constance and Lisa Greenwood as Flip. Continue reading

CD review – ‘Order of the Daleks’ (Doctor Who)

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

It’s time to go back to some ‘Doctor Who’ audio dramas by Big Finish featuring Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor and Miranda Raison as Constance Clarke. The first story we’re taking a look at this week is ‘Order of the Daleks’, a four-part adventure by Mike Tucker, who’s written quite a number of ‘Doctor Who’ stories over the years. Continue reading

CD Reviews – ‘The Third Doctor Adventures’ (Doctor Who)

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

I’ve done my reviews on the first volume of ‘The Third Doctor Adventures’ by Big Finish in ‘Doctor Who’! Today, I’ve added my reviews on the two stories featured in the CD box set. I’ve enjoyed these stories as they do echo the essence of what the Jon Pertwee era of ‘Doctor Who’ was about. 🙂 Continue reading

Christmas CD reviews – ‘Doctor Who’ Novel Adaptations

Hello everyone! 🙂

I’ve now finished listening to a bundle of ‘Doctor Who’ audios! These are the Novel Adaptations on five ‘Doctor Who’ novels published in the 1990s! I’ve enjoyed all five stories, as they have been interesting tales from the period when ‘Doctor Who’ was unloved by the BBC but loved by the fans. Continue reading

Week 49 – ‘The Nyssa Challenge’


Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to the New Year on ‘The Nyssa Challenge’ this week!

Today, we start in 2017 on one of the most popular and well-received Big Finish audios of ‘Doctor Who’ with the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan! In this story, the TARDIS visits Manchester on the 16th of August 1819 – the day of ‘The Peterloo Massacre’! Continue reading

CD review – ‘The Sixth Doctor: The Last Adventure’ (Doctor Who)

the sixth doctor the last adventure

Hello everyone! 🙂

Today, my ‘Doctor Who’ review on ‘The Sixth Doctor: The Last Adventure’ with Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor is now online!

This is a four episode story featuring the Sixth Doctos and how he comes to the end of his life when he faces against the Valeyard and regenerates into the Seventh Doctor! It’s a really exciting box set of four stories and shows Colin Baker at his best in his final adventure as the Sixth Doctor by Big Finish! 🙂 Continue reading

2015 Trilogy with the Sixth Doctor and Constance reviewed on ‘Bradley’s Basement’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Here on ‘Bradley’s Basement’, I’ve added my three CD reviews on the first trilogy featuring the Sixth Doctor and Constance Clarke. The trilogy stars Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor and Miranda Raison as Constance. Continue reading

Week 41 – ‘The Nyssa Challenge’

Hello everyone! 🙂

It’s Week 41 of ‘The Nyssa Challenge’ today, and Season 20a continues with the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan in ‘The Waters of Amsterdam’! Find out what happened to Tegan between ‘Time-Flight’ and ‘Arc of Infinity’ in this ‘Doctor Who’ story! 🙂 Continue reading

2015 Trilogy with the Seventh Doctor and Mel reviewed on ‘Bradley’s Basement’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Here on ‘Bradley’s Basement’, I’ve added my three CD reviews on the 2015 trilogy featuring the Seventh Doctor and Mel. The trilogy stars Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor and Bonnie Langford as Mel. Continue reading