Tag Archives: the name of the doctor (dw)

‘Doctor Who’ 60th Anniversary Marathon – Series 7 Summary

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

Like Series 6, Series 7 in the new ‘Doctor Who’ TV series – Matt Smith’s third and final season as the Eleventh Doctor – is divided into two halves. Unlike Series 6 though, the two halves feel like they’re two separate seasons – with the Pond Season shown in 2012 and the Clara Season shown in 2013. Continue reading

‘Doctor Who’ 60th Anniversary Marathon – ‘The Name of the Doctor’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

And thus, we have come to the season finale of Series 7 in the new ‘Doctor Who’ TV series. This is also where the 50th anniversary celebrations of ‘Doctor Who’ begin in the new TV series. It’s time for us to check out ‘The Name of the Doctor’ by Steven Moffat, starring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald. This is where the mystery of ‘the impossible girl’ is resolved, as the Doctor finds out who Clara is and how she died twice in ‘Asylum of the Daleks’ and ‘The Snowmen’. The episode features the Paternoster Gang, including Neve McIntosh as Madame Vastra, Catrin Stewart as Jenny Flint and Dan Starkey as Strax. There’s also the return of Alex Kingston as River Song, and there’s Richard E. Grant who returns as the Great Intelligence. This time, it’s not Yeti or Snowmen that the Great Intelligence are controlling, but it’s the Whispermen. 😀 There are nods to previous Doctors in the classic and new TV shows of ‘Doctor Who’ and we have the introduction of a unique incarnation of the Doctor that our time-travelling hero chooses to not talk about. ‘The Name of the Doctor’ can be checked out on DVD, Blu-ray and BBC iPlayer. Continue reading

‘Doctor Who’ Marathon – ‘The Name of the Doctor’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

The 50th anniversary of ‘Doctor Who’ has arrived and it’s the season finale to Series 7. This episode features the Doctor and Clara journeying to Trenzalore where they rescue Madame Vastra, Jenny and Strax from the Great Intelligence. River Song makes an appearance and the Doctor’s secret is revealed. Continue reading

Celebrating 50 Years of ‘Doctor Who’

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley!

My DVD reviews on the 50th anniversary of ‘Doctor Who’ are available to check out on my blog. These include DVD reviews on the stories featured in the ’50th Anniversary Collector’s Edition DVD’ of ‘Doctor Who’. Continue reading

Series 7 of ‘Doctor Who’ with Matt Smith

Doctor Who Series 7 2014 dvd

Hello everyone! 🙂

I’ve added all of my DVD reviews on Series 7 of ‘Doctor Who’ on ‘Bradley’s Basement’. This includes reviews on the thirteen episodes from Series 7, the 2011 Christmas Special called ‘The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe’ and the 2012 Christmas Special called ‘The Snowmen’. Continue reading

Clara Season – From Snowmen to Whispermen (‘Doctor Who’)

Hello everyone! 🙂

I’ve now posted my DVD reviews on Series 7 – Part 2 of ‘Doctor Who’ on ‘Bradley’s Basement’. This includes reviews on the 2012 Christmas Special called ‘The Snowmen’ and Episodes 6 to 13 of Series 7. This is the second half of Series 7 of what I call the Clara Season and stars Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald. Continue reading